Vibration is often associated with noise, but is difficult to measure. Excessive exposure through the use of hand-held power tools and machinery such as chipping hammers, grinders and chain saws can cause hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) – a painful condition affecting blood circulation, nerves, muscles and bones in the hands and arms. Its best known effect is vibration white finger.
Whole body vibration (WBV) mainly affects drivers of vehicles such as dumpers, tractors and lifts trucks and can cause low back pain and spinal damage.
Reduce Vibration
Think about:
1. asking about vibration levels before deciding which new tool or machinery to buy.
2. identifying hazardous machines, tools and processes which cause tingling or numbness in the hands after few minutes of use.
3. doing the job another way without using high vibration tools
4. providing tools designed to cut down vibration
5. reducing vibration through maintenance – check sharpening of tools, dressing of abrasive wheels, and anti-vibration mounts where fitted
6. whether the job can be altered to reduce the grip or pressure needed.
Reduce the Effect of Vibration
Think about:
1. providing work breaks or work sharing to reduce exposure time.
2. keeping the body and hands warm, e.g. by using gloves, but note that, unlike hearing protection, there are no gloves which provide effective protection from vibration.
3. advising people to exercise their fingers to improve the blood flow.
Nice article. It is very important to reduce vibration of the hands, as it is a major factor in the development of carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive strain injuries.
I wonder if vibration contributes to accidents in the meatpacking industry. I don't know how much vibration there is in electric knives and saws,etc. but in combination with repetitive motion, numbness from vibration might be a factor.
Viberation white Finger
vibration white finger is one of the minor injuries which are not included in the compensation list... yet most of the workers are affected by should be added in the list for the ease of the employees....
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