Selection and Training

People are in danger to themselves or others if they cannot do their jobs correctly. This can be because they are in jobs for which they are unsuited and/or are not competent.


1. identify jobs which place particular physical or mental demands on people- can these be changes to cut out or reduce the demands?
2. where you cannot do this you need to select people to meet the demands.
3. identify essential health requirements of a job and use them during recruitment, e.g. do not employ someone with epilepsy to climb ladders, although they may be able to do other work.
4. for some jobs, e.g. driving heavy goods vehicles, the law requires medical examination, but pre-employment medical checks are not legally required for most jobs.
5. people returning after illness may need help readjusting to their jobs – seek specialist medical advice it necessary.


You must ensure all employees have health and safety training. This has to be repeated periodically or when changes are made.

Also think about:
1. the needs of managers and supervisors.
2. any legal requirements for specific job training, e.g. lift trucks, first aid.
3. the special needs of young people, new recruits, trainees and part-time employees
4. existing workers and those moving jobs
5. training needs identified during investigations
6. can you give training yourself or do you need some outside help?


Abel said...

Health & Safety measures are put in place to protect people, risk assessments and method statements need to be written by professionally trained people and managed by the same. Too many stories are written and blame aimed well and truly at Health & Safety, in reality it is because it is not managed properly. It is far too easy for someone to just ban an activity so not to get in to trouble than it is to actually carry out safety measures to protect people.
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Unknown said...

Occupational health and safety is a vital role of work
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