There are number of well established techniques for looking after the health of employees. These includes taking action to prevent ill-health, providing means to prevent employees coming into contact with hazardous substances and ensuring that if they are hurt in any way their injuries are properly treated.
Check for ILL Health
To help prevent work-related diseases:
1. check whether there are any known health risks from the work you do.
2. listen to complaints about ill health – particularly if there are a number of them, or lot of sickness absence in the same area, or as a result of the same activity.
3. encourage people to tell their doctor about the work they do if they think their work might be affecting them.
4. if in doubt get further advice.
Mental Health and Stress
Many people suffer from some form of mental health problem at some time and it is a significant reason fro absence from the work. Most problems do not lasr and most people do not have to give up work.
1. work can have a beneficial effect on mental health, but can also cause worries.
2. too little personal control over the work not being allowed to use all your skills fully, being overworked or under worked, and boring work can all contribute to stress.
3. learn to recognize signs of stress and encourage employees to discuss problems openly – are people distracted, tense or worried.
4. give help. This may be simple sympathetic reassurance or practical advice, or in some cases counseling or psychiatric treatment. Don’t delay – this can make matters much worse.
Drugs and Alcohol
Abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances can effect work performance and safety.
1. learn to recognize the signs and encourage workers to seek help.
2. be supportive
3. if you decide strict standards are needed because of safety- critical jobs, then agree procedures with workers in advance. Disciplinary action may be needed where safety is critical.
Passive Smoking
Think about:
1. encouraging and helping smokers to give up
2. agreeing some rules with the workforce to protect non-smokers
3. if possible providing a smoke free workplace – at least consider separate “break” areas. Any rest room or rest areas you provide must be arranged to avoid discomfort to non-smokers.
The answer is not cut and dry as there are multiple levels of governance in occupational health and safety, thus providing some confusion in this area. Yes there are numerous programs that do expire and some that do not. The courses having an expiry date have had this assigned to support the level of risk, accident frequency and to ensure the applicable and most current legislation is being applied. Industrial environments have a core group of safety trainings that are generally present in the workplace requiring recertification. I have listed these below for your review with the applicable expiration date.
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